100% Organic
Eco Friendly
Increase Yield
Bio Degradable
Excellent Soil
Karanj is extracted from the seeds by expeller pressing, cold pressing, or solvent extraction. It is being used for Biopesticides, Bioinsecticides. It contains the liminoid (active ingredient) called karanjin. karanjin acts as an acaricide and insecticide. This natural formulation is also helpful in reducing the soil insects. Foliar sprays of karanja oil are effective against hosts of pests. It has shown excellent results against pests.
The oil to prevent many pests from feeding and laying eggs and to kill pests such as mites, aphids and leaf miner larvae form. Botanical insecticides are easily decomposed in the soil and will not be stored in the tissues of plants. It also has nitrification inhibitory properties.
They receive a large amount of nutrition through root nodules that harbor nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria. Water and nutrients producing during nitrogen fixation are carried up the tree through xylem and vascular tissue. They also perform photosynthesis by using co2, water and sunlight to create glucose, oxygen and water. It occurs in the chloroplast cells of the leaves. Nutrients from photosynthesis are transported to the rests of the tree through the vascular phloem.
Mode of Action
Insect Growth Regulations
Oviposition Deterrent
Target Pests
Effectively controls mites, scales, thrips and other sucking pests. It controls mites like red spider mites, scarlet mites, yellow mites, purple mites and other types of mites.
Karanj is suitable for application on Tea, Cardamom, Chillies, Cotton, Vegetables Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops and also used on most of the crops.
Weed Control
Seed Coating
Post Harvest
Wetting & Spreading Agent
Crop Management
Natural Oil
Diseases Control
Ecoza™, the Ecoza logo, WeedX™, the WeedX logo, ViroCure™, the ViroCure logo, Admira™, the Admira logo, Karanj™, the Karanj logo, iGreen™, the iGreen logo, NitroMask™, the NitroMask logo, k-Guard™, the k-Guard logo, Vembu™, the Vembu logo, Orgocare™, the Orgocare logo, FungaFix™, the FungaFix logo, Nourish™, the Nourish logo and MaxiNeem™, the MaxiNeem logo are trademarks of Kriya Biosys Private Limited.
114, Orchid Block, keerthi Flora, Brookfields, Bengaluru, KA (29) 560037, IN
Kriya Biosys Private Limited
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© 2020 Kriya Biosys Private Limited. Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.
100% Organic
Eco Friendly
Increase Yield
Bio Degradable
Excellent Soil
Karanj is a natural and botanical extract from the seeds of Karanja a glabara that contains plant growth stimulating factors, primarily axins, improving the soil texture, promoting unparallelled Vegetative growth, plant health and fruit yields. It contains a high content of triglycerides and also nitrification inhibitory properties. karanj acts as an acaricide and insecticide. This natural formulation is also helpful in reducing the soil insects. Foliar sprays of karanja oil are effective against hosts of pests. It has shown excellent results against pests.
Mode of Action
It controls insect by interfering in the normal biochemical, physiological and metabolic process governing insect life cycle through its multiple biological properties like
Target Pests
Effectively controls mites , scales ,thrips and other sucking pests It controls mites like red spider mites, scarlet mites, yellow mites, purple mites and other types of mites.
Karanj is suitable for application on Tea, Cardamom, Chillies, Cotton, Vegetables Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Fruits, Spices, Flowers, Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops and most of the crops.
Application Rate
Mix 4-8 ml per liter of water. Apply upto 7 ltrs/ acre. Thoroughly mix solution and spray all plant surfaces (including undersides of leaves) until completely wet.